Thursday, January 9, 2014

What to Wear for Business or Talent Headshots

Here are a few quick tips for wardrobe for a basic headshot. Simple is best to start and then you can build from there.

Solids are generally better than patterns. Patterns, especially large patterns can steal the show. The hero of the show should be you, and not your shirt.

Long sleeves are generally better than short. The older you are, the longer your sleeves should be! My lady pals over the age of 40 know what I mean!

Muted colors are generally better than bright and saturated colors. Yes a pop of bright color can be pretty amazing in a fashion shot, but colors can reflect on your neck and chin. Trust me, fushia is not a good look for your neck! Bright green is just as bad.

Simple and classic accessories are generally better than trendy and flashy accessories. Plus, if you keep as much as possible in the image classic, you’ll get more mileage from the photo. Nothing screams ‘so last year’ like last year’s biggest trend.

Clothing that fits well is generally better than clothing that doesn’t fit well.  Baggy clothes are the biggest culprit of bulges and wrinkles in photos…and  NO one wants extra bulge, right?? Straight men, this means you! If you’ve lost weight and keep meaning to buy a few new things, BEFORE your shoot is the time to do it, not after.

How you feel in your outfit is generally just as important as how it looks. Your favorite clothes are your favorite for a reason. If you feel great, it helps you look great. If you feel uncomfortable, that feeling will show up in your photos.

If clothes aren’t your forte or you don’t have the time to shop for a new outfit, there is HELP. There are many wonderful wardrobe stylists that can help select the best thing from your closet. They will even do the shopping for you if you want a new look and don’t have the time. I’ve met and worked with some great ones including A La Mode Wardrobe and Consulting, Style Architects, Sasha Westin at Fabuliss, Sara Rogers and Rhonda Ruland.

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